New rules on speech generating devices are welcome changes for AT professionals


New rules on speech generating devices are welcome changes for AT professionals

Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Category: General

Assistive technology professionals who work with clients that need speech generating devices (SGDs) have much to cheer about after a busy July. Access to SGDs should improve considerably as of 10/1/2015, when the devices are no longer subject to the CMS capped rental rule. In addition, the signing by President Obama of the Steve Gleason Act will also clarify Medicare coverage on eye-gaze technologies and eye-gaze accessories. 

AT professionals will need to get up to speed quickly on the new requirements. The US Society for AAC is hosting a free webinar on August 19, 2015 at 7pm EDT that will provide information on the types and features of SGDs that Medicare will now cover. In addition, RESNA now has a Speech Generating Device webpage in the Knowledge Center section of the website to share information and track developments. The webpage includes a link to the CMS Final Coverage Determination Memo as well as a current FAQ, prepared by Lew Golinker of the AT Law Center. 

RESNA's Speech-Language Pathologists/Audiologists Professional Specialty Group, the Government Affairs Committee, and the RESNA Catalyst Project are involved in education and  information-sharing on this important topic. If you have resources to share with the AT community, please e-mail

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