RESNA Announces New Seating & Mobility Webinars and Courses


RESNA Announces New Seating & Mobility Webinars and Courses

Date: Thursday, July 11, 2013
Category: General

RESNA’s continuing education offerings are expanding with the addition of new webinars,  a new Advanced Seating & Mobility workshop, and additional dates for the popular “Fundamentals in Assistive Technology” course. 

This is the first year that RESNA has offered webinars, and the response has been positive. All webinar topics are currently offered as a three-part series, to provide greater depth and substance for professionals working in the field. Individuals may sign up for the entire series or individual sessions. 

Next up in the seating and mobility program area is a three-part webinar series on power wheelchair access methods, presented by RESNA instructor Michelle L. Lange, OTR, ABDA, ATP/SMS. Lange is an occupational therapist in private practice. The series includes: 

  • August 26 – Alternative Proportional Access Methods to the Standard Joystick
  • September 16 – Digital Access Methods
  • October 14 – Optimizing Access through Drive Wheel Configuration, Tracking, and Programming

"Power wheelchairs can provide independent mobility for many people with physical limitations, but not everyone can use a standard joystick,” said Lange. “This series will discuss alternative access methods and the clinical indicators for each.”  Webinars are $28 for RESNA members, $40 for non-members, and take place from 3 to 4pm ET on all dates. RESNA is authorized by IACET to provide 0.1 CEU for each webinar. 

In response to seating and mobility professionals requesting more advanced courses, RESNA has developed a new two-day course, “Advanced Seating & Mobility Workshop.” This in-person, intensive workshop is scheduled for October 24 & 25 at the Doubletree Atlanta-Buckhead in Atlanta, GA.  The cost is $350 for RESNA members and $465 for non-members, and RESNA is authorized by IACET to provide 1.4. Also taught by Lange, the first day will cover advanced seating, systematically addressing common positioning challenges of the pelvis, trunk, lower and upper extremities, and the head.

Day two, dedicated to advanced mobility, will cover advanced applications of power wheelchairs, including programming, alternative driving and access methods, programming customization, interfacing, infrared transmission, and mouse emulation.

RESNA’s popular flagship course, “Fundamentals in Assistive Technology,” is a two-day, in-person course that is designed to broaden the view of the AT provider. Perfect for new staff and those just entering the field, or those who are branching out into other areas of the industry, the course is taught by experienced and certified RESNA members, and is offered at various locations throughout the U.S. The next course date is September 19 – 20 in Jackson, Mich., at disAbility Connections, a center for independent living. The location is within easy driving distance of Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Lansing.  The cost is $350 for RESNA members, and $465 for non-members. RESNA is authorized by IACET to provide 1.4 CEUs for this course.

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