Webinar: GAATO Global Grand Challenges in Assistive Technology Outcomes and Impacts: what are they and what must we do


Webinar: GAATO Global Grand Challenges in Assistive Technology Outcomes and Impacts: what are they and what must we do

Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Category: Event

Monday, October 10, 2022, 3pm Eastern

Capturing the outcomes of assistive technology (AT) is essential to know what works and what is needed. The global alliance of AT organisations, GAATO, have brought global stakeholders together to articulate the challenges related to outcome and impact measurement as a first step to finding solutions.AT stakeholders across all global regions took part in a collaborative consensus process to identify the AT Outcomes and Impacts Grand Challenges of our time. The project leads will present the innovative methodology used, the extensive dataset gathered, the results of the Grand Challenge process and what this means for RESNA and all of us.

As part of the global assistive technology community, RESNA and its members are integral to solving the complex problems of getting good AT to those who need it.
This presentation discusses contemporary data, to which RESNA members have contributed through GAATO AT Outcomes and Impact consultations, and provides an opportunity with the project global leads, to consider: where to from here in our local and global practice

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify and define grand challenges through the use of 4 major criteria.
  • List the 6 grand challenges in assistive technology identified by global stakeholders.
  • Identify up to 7 challenges (long list) associated with the grand challenge of informing policy.
  • Describe how identifying the grand challenges can enable GAATO to do 4 things.


Dr. Natasha Layton and Dr. Emma Smith

Headshot of Dr. Natasha Layton. Dr. Layton is a Caucasian woman with reddish short hair, she is smiling, and wearing a brown-gray top.      Dr. Emma Smith headshot. Dr. Smith is a Caucasian woman with long brown hair, she is smiling, and is wearing a black shirt with a white line design on it.

Dr. Natasha Layton and Dr. Emma Smith are both occupational therapists holding senior research roles in academia, senior voluntary leadership positions with professional bodies, and have engaged in leadership and policy change activities at local, national, international and global levels. Dr Layton from Monash University, Australia, ARATA (the Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Association) and an associate editor with Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Dr Smith from Maynooth University Ireland, editor of the RESNA journal and an active member of RESNA.

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RESNA Members - free!
Non-RESNA Members - $45

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